Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I am new at this!!

This is my attempt at a blog. I have a cousin with a blog and even though I see her everyday and I am there for most of what goes on I still enjoy seeing her pictures and reading her blog. So I will start with my family.

Clif and I have been married for 7 years now. We met our Senior year in High School at Red Level. He had just moved here from Decatur, Alabama to live with his Aunt and Uncle. We both work in Andalusia. I just work part time.

We have a son Kade who is in the 2nd grade at Red Level. He plays basketball, baseball and football. He is currently playing basketball. He had his first practice yesterday and it went well. He is the "Big Brother" to all the kids in the family. There are five great grandchildren and he is the oldest by 5 years. He LOVES his sister very much. He is a total sweetheart. He is very kind and loving. He loves being outside. He likes to jump on the trampoline, play ball or just play in the dirt. As long as it is outside he does not care.

Bailey is 3 years old but she acts like a teenager. She is definitely a hand full put she is very sweet as well. She can stand her own ground. We don't have to worry about someone messing with her because she can take care of herself. She is most often referred to as "Bailey Bug" and she loves that name. Before she was born Kade named her watermelon and she is very proud of that name also. She calls her baby scrapbook her watermelon book. She thinks she is the mother to all of her cousins. She loves playing dress up and babies but she also loves being outside getting in the mud and dirt. She LOVES TO EAT!! She will eat anything you put in front of her and she is hungry all the time.

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